The scandalous Mr Cummings

Cummings must resign now!

The Dominic Cummings “scandal” is one of the many lightning rods that will be used to redirect public anger over failures in the UK Government’s Covid-19 policies. Away from questioning the reasons for its inaction, tardy responses and the nature and purposes of our class based Capitalist society.

It’s interesting that the corporate media will sacrifice someone like Cummings to protect the interests of their owners and masters. Cummings, after all is one of “theirs”, sacrificing him is the merest, tiniest, glimpse at what the owners of wealth and power will do to protect themselves.

And to those who believe that the corporate press is doing a good job and protecting ordinary people’s interests?

This is the same press who still either ignore, diminish or even attack Julian Assange for doing the journalist job they claim to do.

This is the same press that conspired with the Government to wage bloody war in Jugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria (and more).

This is the same press that ignored and misrepresented the reasons for and consequences of so-called austerity.

This is the same press that hounded and lied about Jeremy Corbyn because he was a threat to some of the profits made by their capitalist owners and masters.

This is the press that is embedded in the military-industrial complex, helmets on, jackboots and flack jackets donned, embedded with and gung-ho with the new cold-war warriors.

The corporate press is not working for you, they are working against you … assuming that you’re working class of course.

So, when this same press, these hacks, become so excited about the very personal failings of Dominic Cummings … do you think that you should take a pause for thought?

Because, it’s very beguiling isn’t it? It’s great to point and shout at someone who’s obviously done something stupid. So easy, so simple to join in with the pack, the media feeding frenzy.

Oh, the moral outrage, the pearl clutching, the virtue signalling. If you join in with this game, it’s so easy. The way is tramped down, the highway created and the whole caravan of vacuous moral outrage can travel down the road to nowhere.

When will it all end?

Couple of weeks, I dunno. Making predictions is fraught with problems, but I know it’ll end with nothing changed and no Government policy or action actually exposed or questioned seriously.

A smug liberal press will claim its prize, and NOTHING REAL WILL CHANGE.

And if it keeps going badly for the Johnson Government, they’ll wheel out Mr Woodentop, Keir Starmer, with his “safe pair of hands” and NOTHING REAL WILL CHANGE.

One of the most extraordinary sights in this supposed “scandal” was that of a scrum of reporters and photographers crowding and jostling Cummings as he left his home whilst trying to fend them off with a stationary folder.

Social distancing? Government guidelines? Not a chance.

If that doesn’t give the lie to their motives, I don’t know what does.